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Jewish Farmer Network's annual Cultivating Culture Conference is back! Out of an abundance of caution, we decided to hold our 2022 conference virtually. We welcomed 343 of Jewish farmers, farm educators, homesteaders, parents of farmers, home gardeners, academics, butchers, millers, seed keepers and other food system professionals  from around the world to learn and build community.


In order to reduce zoom fatigue, we gathered over the course of

two consecutive Sundays: January 30th & February 6th.

We also offered additional “bridge programming” throughout the week in between.







In 2022 we cultivated:

  • A community of question askers, ready to wrestle with our ancestral wisdom and diverse histories

  • A common language for understanding the Jewish agricultural ethic & vision

  • A Jewish future in which Jewish farmers are not regarded as an oxymoron or a curiosity, but rather, as valued community members with a unique connection to Judaism's agrarian roots and the timeless food justice principles contained therein



Songful/embodied community morning practice

Diverse voices from our community sharing about all things Jewish agriculture

Curated “lunch dates” based on identity, interest & geography

Engaging and interactive keynote speakers

Small breakout rooms for reflection & connection

Bonus content during the week to deepen into the community



















Land Tax

10% of all profits from our 2022 virtual conference will be donated to the Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance, which “supports Native communities nationally with advocacy, education, and networking as they revitalize their indigenous food systems.”

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Teachers & Facilitators

GrowTorah LOGO - Yosef Gillers.png
logo - Jonathan JCF-FBI.png

This conference was made possible by the generous support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation and the support of our generous organizational partners:

3DA74446-AC11-49B2-9847-F900A47A050D - Carly Sugar.jpeg
Living-Tree-Logo-with Tagline-Black-Dark-Border - Sephirah Stacey Oshkello.png
Mitsui Collective Logo - Yoshi Silverstein.png
WT_Logo_Fall_CMYK - Robert Friedman.tif
Hazon Logo - new - Janna Siller.jpg
AtTheWell-Logo1-Navy+Gold-Small (1) - Samia Mansour.png
Yesod Logo - SJ Seldin.jpg
neohasid square logo-gimp - David Seidenberg.png
Abundance_logo_stacked_screen (1) - Nili Simhai.jpg


Am I Jewish “enough” to attend?

Yes!!! Jewish Farmer Network formed from the need and desire for a Jewish community that centers and uplifts Jewish agrarians, from every point of the kaleidoscope of Jewish (and agricultural!) identity, background, and experience. We are not gatekeepers or arbiters of who is Jewish. If you hold Jewish heritage or identity, you are welcome. If you come from a multi-tradition household/family, you are welcome. If you are a Jew-by-choice, you are welcome. If you have never stepped into a Jewish space before, you are especially welcome. Come as you are, as you are. We are thrilled to meet you, to learn from you, and to craft ever-more accessible spaces for learning and connection.


Do I need to be Jewish to attend? 

No! Jewish Farmer Network holds spaces and programming that center Jewish agrarian wisdom, community and individuals – because that is who we are, and we are tending to our roots. If you do not hold Jewish heritage or identity but have a sincere and peaceful interest in the places where Judaism and agriculture meet, you are welcome. We encourage non-Jewish allies to honor that this is a Jewish-centered space by listening. If you feel the need to contribute, ask yourself first: what am I trying to accomplish? Am I centering myself in this conversation? Evangelizing, hate speech, and/or abuse of any kind by any participant will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to remove participants from the conference without refund. 


Do I need to be a farmer to attend?

No! Farmers and agriculturalists of all kinds, at any stage of your journey (current, future, lapsed, retired, questioning) are welcome! We welcome gardeners, seed keepers, shepherds, land stewards, landscapers, vintners, brewers, compost people, foragers, arborists, fermenters, herbalists, natural crafts makers, hydroponics people, aquaponics people, cooks, chefs, food system folks, lovers and eaters of food. If you are or are seeking to be in relationship with land and/or the abundance of the earth, we know there’s something for you here. Even if you’re just curious, you are welcome!


What if I can only come to one day of the conference? 

Your conference ticket grants you access to both conference days. So cool! Show up for what works for you. We are unable to offer a further discounted rate for those who can only come for one day, but we hope you will join for as much of the conference as you are able. Nearly all of the sessions will be recorded, and we intend to share them with all participants. Please do not share your access information with a friend for the day you cannot attend. Every person must register separately. 


What if I need financial support?

We believe in the education of our whole community, regardless of financial status. We embody that ethic by offering all our programming on a sliding scale. The true cost of this conference is $180/participant, which we are offering for as little as $36 – no questions asked. If $36 is beyond your capacity, WE STILL WANT YOU TO JOIN! Email JFN's conference coordinator Jamie at with the subject “All of Us” for more information about free and reduced tickets.


Can I get a refund if I cannot attend?

We do not offer refunds, and all sales are final. Even if you cannot attend, we still need to pay our teachers and staff fairly for their time and brilliance. If a refund is the difference between financial hardship and financial ease, send an email to JFN's conference coordinator Jamie at


Will sessions be recorded?

Nearly all of the sessions will be recorded, and we intend to share them with all participants. Even if you can’t attend all the sessions you want to live, you can still learn from them after!

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